Thomas Park Clement Joins Board


March 21, 2018

Thomas Park Clement is the founder, president and CEO of Mectra Labratories, Inc., a bio-technology company that manufactures a wide variety of laparoscopic disposable surgical instruments. Thomas is the inventor behind the technical instruments and holds 41 U.S. Patents.

Additionally, Thomas is a humanitarian who has supported missions to North Korea and Africa, and has supported various Korean adoptee groups throughout the U.S., Europe and Korea.

He has personally led humanitarian missions to North Korea to supply medical devices and food to orphanages, and has committed one million dollars to fund a Global DNA Project for Korean Adoptees, Birthmothers and Korean War Veterans searching for lost relatives.

Thomas was the recipient of the 2015 Trailblazer Award for his work in the Korean and Korean American community.

Born in Korea in the midst of the Korean War, Thomas was abandoned by his American GI father and Korean mother and brought to an orphanage until he was adopted by the Clement family from Charlotte, NC in 1958. For a more information about Thomas, watch this video.

Thomas and his wife, Wonsook Kim, an accomplished Korean American artist, have been supporters of for over four years.  We are thrilled to welcome Thomas into our board of directors to help the organization grow to new heights.
