Tag: sejong camp

Julia Park
Julia Park grew up in Seoul, South Korea and immigrated to the US at age 13 where her father ran a grocery store. Julia spent much of her childhood in America working at the store and even recalls her father treating school as her reward for working. Today, at age 57, Julia Park works in social service and as the executive director and trip director of Sejong Camp. In this special series, Julia examines the impact of her childhood, becoming a mother, and her passion to give back to future generations.

Grace Nicodemus
Grace Nicodemus was raised outside of Philadelphia, PA, and is currently pursuing a degree in Psychology. For the past 12 years, she has been drawn back to Sejong Camp because of all the relationships she has made. Her experiences as a camper continue to empower her to make a positive impact as a counselor. In this special series, Grace examines her mental health, navigating the world as an adoptee, and her growing passion to help others.

Seo Hee Kelleher
Seo Hee Kelleher grew up in Seoul, South Korea, and immigrated to the United States in 1991 at the age of 15. She currently works as a Korean American shaman, using her spiritual gifts to help others heal in a way that is authentic to her cultural identity. However, during the process of studying the spiritual world, she realized that much of traditional Korean spiritual knowledge was inaccessible to non-Korean speakers. In this special series, Seo reflects on the struggles of assimilation and her passion to publish spiritual wisdom books for non-Korean speakers.

Laura-Ann Jacobs
Laura-Ann Jacobs was born in Incheon, South Korea and adopted to a family outside of Atlanta, Georgia at the age of 4 months old. As an adoptee and Korean American, her identity played a significant role in being the foundation for her to pursue a career in education with a specialization in anti-racism. During her doctoral program, she began a birth search to learn more about herself and her roots. In this special series, Laura-Ann shares about her passion in creating change for racial justice and reflects on the significance of her trip to Korea to meet her birth family.

Lia Ylitalo
Lia Ylitalo was born in South Korea and is currently living in Minnesota. She doesn’t have any recollection of Korea, but was able to hear a few stories about her birth family. Ever since coming to Sejong Camp, she is continually drawn back with a desire to learn more about Korean culture. In this special series, Lia examines her journey to self-confidence, becoming, proud of her heritage, and navigating the world as an adoptee.

Benjamin Kim Oser
Benjamin Kim Oser was born in Mapogu, Seoul, South Korea, and adopted to Central New Jersey at three months old. In his 20s, he went back to Korea to teach English and find any medical records regarding him or his family. The search soon became a birth search when he discovered his father was looking for him. Benjamin reflects on navigating the complexities and feelings behind his birth family’s story and also the appreciation he has for his adoptive parents and the motivation to lead the next generation of Korean Americans as the director of Sejong Camp.

Hope Sacco
Hope Sacco grew up in Baltimore, Maryland to a Korean American adoptee mother and a white father. She attended a high school with very little Asian representation which drove her to search for community outreach opportunities in the Asian community.

Kat Ley
Kat Ley was born in South Korea and was adopted when she was 7 months old. Before becoming a counselor at Sejong Camp, Kat attended as a camper for much of her childhood. Sejong Camp is simultaneously a place where she can escape the label of being “Korean” and be treated as herself. As a Korean American adoptee, she does not search to find the perfect label or identity for herself. Instead, she believes that her actions in the moment speak for who she is as a person. She has found peace in being able to embrace her Korean Americanness, while also believing that her true identity is defined by how she lives her everyday life.

Tommy Lee
Tommy Lee was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan and moved around quite a bit within the Maryland and Virginia area to stay near his mother’s side of the family after his parents divorce. In this special Legacy Project series, Tommy examines the relationship he had with his parents since their divorce, his passions, his identity, his future, and what Camp Sejong means to him.

Jack McGovern & Noah Sinangil
Jack McGovern and Noah Sinangil are both adopted Korean Americans that we interviewed at Sejong Camp in New Jersey.

Emily Lynch & Minjung Kim
Minjung Kim (24 years old) was born in Seoul, Korea and immigrated to the US when she was 11 years old. Emily Lynch (27 years old) was also born in Seoul, Korea, but she was adopted along with her twin brother by a Caucasian family in Connecticut.

HyaeKyung Jo & Linda Priore
HyaeKyung Jo is a retired teacher with over 30 years of experience in primary and secondary education in US public schools. Linda Priore was the co-founder of Sejong Camp, a Korean culture camp that parents of adopted Korean children started in 1992.

Martha Crawford
Martha Crawford and her husband adopted two children from Korea.

Sabryna Ro & Leah Rice
Sabryna Ro and Leah Rice are both 17 years old and they met at Sejong Camp, a cultural camp for Korean adoptees and American born Koreans

Chris Todd & Steven Yeun
Chris Todd, 31, was born in Seoul, Korea and adopted by a Caucasian family when he was a baby. Steven Yeun, 31, was born in the US, and grew up in Long Island.

Joy Lieberthal Rho
Joy was adopted from Korea. She came to her family just shy of her sixth birthday.